After my heart episode I felt less than perfect. I felt vulnerable, compromised and fragile. Mentally and physically. I know many of you have felt the same about a health setback or when facing any big challenge in life. But I want to remind you that no matter what you go through, you are still valuable. Your family and friends still love you. You add value to the everyone you interact with at work and at play. You deserve and should own your unique existence in this big universe no matter what crises you face in life.
This video, by Meir Kay tells the story of a teacher who enters his classroom and pulls out a $20. He asks those who want it to raise their hand. The whole class raises their hands. He crumples the note in his hand and asks them again to raise their hands if they want it. The whole class raises their hands. He then throws the $20 on the floor and tramples it. And again, asks students to raise their hands if they want it. Once again, all students have their hands up.
The teacher then proceeds to explain his valuable lesson:
“My dear students, no matter what I did to this note, you still wanted it because it never lost its worth. It’s still worth $20. There are many times in our life when we feel like life has crumpled us up and ground us into the dirt... You never lose your value. Don’t ever forget that.”
“No matter what has happened.
No matter what will happen.
You never lose your worth.”
- Meir Kay
That's why I'm here to remind you that the power of self-belief is so important. When you experience a heart attack or any kind of crisis, you truly begin to understand the magnitude of psychological pain. From my experience, these mental scars are far more debilitating and long-lasting than the physical ones. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel – be patient, be healthy, be rested, be social, be hydrated, be mindful, be active, be loving and be yourself.
If you’re feeling less than 100% today, believe in your inner-strength, resilience and power to overcome any setback – your mojo is waiting for you around the corner! The sun will rise again, creating new opportunities for you to shine.
Here are some affirmations to help with your power of self-belief on the days you're feeling more vulnerable:
· I deserve great things
· I am loved and respected
· I am a unique and valuable part of the universe
· I am great as I am. I accept and love myself
· I let go of negative thoughts and feelings about myself